schoolies | Bingo | nursery rhymes for children | kids rhymes | kids

2017-05-31 8

There was a farmer who had a dog and _______ was his name-o! Ask any kindergarten toddler to fill in this blank, and they will immediately respond with B-I-N-G-O! Bingo the Dog is one of the most iconic nursery rhyme characters along with Mary’s Little Lamb and the little mouse from Hickory Dickory Dock. Bingo is a favorite among kids because he is a dog, and because he is as mischievous with his farmer, as kids are with their parents. In fact, because Bingo keeps stealing the letters from his name during different parts of the nursery rhyme, the poor farmer has to ask the young preschoolers to help him finish the rest of the Bingo nursery rhyme. However, as a result, kids are made to remember their spellings and repeat it correctly for the rest of this popular children song to complete it properly. The catchy tune of the Bingo song and its easy lyrics make it one of the easiest children rhymes to learn, and the hardest to forget. Also, it is one of those baby songs that is best sung while all the kindergarten kids are up on their feet! So click Play, and let the preschoolers get a chance to play with their favorite dog Bingo again, while helping his farmer find the missing letters to the rhyme! Maybe the toddlers can come up with more words that they can make into a rhyme of this kind!

Music and Lyrics: Copyright USP Studios™
Video: Copyright USP Studios™

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